"Need to do things faster,
smarter, better, sooner?
Then it’s time to tune-up
your marketing engine!"

This isn’t something you hear every day, but at DEC Marketing we love ‘process’. And we’re very good at improving it, streamlining it and implementing tools that help marketing departments run more effectively.

Is your marketing department is running at maximum efficiency? Are you making the best use of your human and financial resources? Are your resources (internal and external) aligned with your company’s business goals? Do you get the service you deserve from suppliers?

We do a lot of thinking and problem solving for our clients helping them to answer questions like these. Often working at boardroom level we offer a wide range of ‘upstream’ support for operational marketing issues such as:

  • Reviewing and rationalising your supplier / agency roster (e.g. Ad , PR, Design, Digital, DM, Events, Print etc)
  • Finding the right marketing suppliers to support your business growth
  • Negotiating better contract terms and setting performance agreements with suppliers
  • Benchmarking your current marketing production costs (e.g. print, digital, media buying)
  • Improving production management to align with industry best practices
  • Re-Structuring sales and marketing departments
  • Recruitment advice, candidate selection, interviews for marketing positions
  • Developing an environmental strategy for your marketing communications
  • Mapping and optimising your marketing processes to achieve greater efficiency
  • Automating systems and processes to help you respond faster
  • Setting budgets, metrics and KPIs based on industry standards
  • Developing database and CRM models to store and retrieve your information more effectively
  • Training and up-skilling your teams

If you want your marketing function to do things faster, smarter, better, sooner...please get in touch with Andrew Dec on 01763 263420 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

©2025 DEC Marketing Company. Registered in England No. 6134813. Registered office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0TY. All rights reserved. | Terms and conditions | Sustainability