"Searching for a breakthrough?
Working together we’ll help you
find it faster." 

It may sound simple but, gaining clarity around your business objectives is the first step in defining clear strategic marketing goals.

If we know where you want to get to, we can create a ‘roadmap’ to get you there! So the first thing we’ll do is LISTEN.

We’ll work closely with your directors and managers to determine commercial objectives, lay out the strategy and bring it all together with vision and purpose. Together, we’ll create strategic marketing plans to help you:

  • Crystallize your unique selling proposition
  • Identify your target audiences, understand what they look for, and where they look
  • Pinpoint new business opportunities
  • Establish new routes to market
  • Ensure you are focused on the right markets
  • Progress product design or service development
  • Examine and test new pricing models
  • Increase the value of your existing clients
  • Generate more prospect enquiries
  • Develop sales strategies to qualify and close interested prospects
  • Define your core marketing messages
  • Create effective promotional plans which communicate your core messages
  • Measure progress and results. Analyse results and fine-tine the marketing strategy
  • Improve your systems and processes

Oh… and become more profitable!....(yes you too public and third sector clients!)

How the service works

Our service is tailored to your specific need and requirements. So we can come in to look at one specific element or your entire marketing operation. Either way, we’ll take you through a three step, action-oriented process which quickly gets right to the heart of the most important matters.

Time spent on each step will vary according the scope of your brief:

Step 1.  Discovery and Research – This involves a combination of interactive workshop sessions and informal discussions with senior managers, interviews and questionnaires with key stakeholders, a marketing audit if necessary, plus the right amount of primary or secondary research to understand specific marketing issues and opportunities.

Step 2. Creative Planning – Next we facilitate a series of planning sessions focused on big picture issues, and tactical brainstorming. These engaging activities will yield priceless insights and a clear direction for the next 12 months. We’ll use planning tools and mind maps to capture creative thinking.

Step 3. Marketing Plan – A draft plan is prepared, including key marketing decisions and actionable initiatives from the planning sessions. We then work together with you to improve it. The final document comes complete with timelines, budgets and champions. The plan is then presented to the company.

So if you’re ready to take stock, re-focus and invigorate your marketing approach please get in touch.

Contact Andrew Dec on 01763 263420 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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